Since learning anything new can occasionally be challenging, the veterinary staff at Aspen Ridge Animal Hospital has put together some helpful veterinary articles for you.
Dental Care
In honor of February’s National Pet Dental Health Month, there are several things you can do to make sure your pet’s teeth stay healthy, just like yours. Click Here to Read the Full Article.
Have you looked at your pet’s teeth lately? Bad breath is the most common reason that owners even glance, but have you opened up their mouth, pulled up the gums, and really looked? Often, bad breath is only the tip of the iceberg and a mere symptom of more severe underlying issues. An astounding 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3, according to the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS). Click Here to Read the Full Article.
There is no need for your dogs and cats to suffer the pain and discomfort of untreated, broken, or loose teeth or infected gums. With the help of thorough examinations and dental X-rays, these conditions can be discovered and appropriately treated. The following are signs that you may notice at home indicating dental disease in your pet… Click Here to Read the Full Article.
There is no need for your dogs and cats to suffer the pain and discomfort of untreated, broken, or loose teeth or infected gums. With the help of thorough examinations and dental X-rays, these conditions can be discovered and appropriately treated. The following are signs that you may notice at home indicating dental disease in your pet. Click Here to Read the Full Article.